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The Official YouTube Livestream for Small Channels Is Here: A How-To For Your First YouTube Live

Giving rest to the alleged reports, YouTube has officially confirmed its live streaming service - YouTube Live for small channels. The Google-owned video streaming giant has updated its support page, wherein it has released the guidelines for channels that can use YouTube Live. Any channel having a subscriber base of at least 1,000 can feature live streaming from smartphones or desktop.

Earlier, YouTubers with 10k subscriber base could use the live streaming. In the latest update, YouTube has substantially brought down the subscriber requirement to 1k, which means even small channels can Livestream their videos. YouTube has also initiated e-mails to channels owners wit 1k or more subscribers to inform them about the latest feature added to the list of function on their channel dashboard.

Notably, YouTube earlier allowed all the channels to do Livestream videos from their desktops, but it kept the mobile live streaming limited to the channels with 10k or more subscribers. The company has now updated its official web page to reflect the new changes.

For the YouTubers with a subscriber base of 1k or more, here are the pre-requisites for doing a Livestream video on mobile:

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Primal Video
  • Your smartphone or tablet must be running Android 6.0 Marshmallow (for Android device) or iOS 8 (for Apple device) and above
  • Your channel must be verified with YouTube
  • For YouTube live on mobile, your channels must have over 1,000 subscribers

How to enable YouTube Live on Mobile

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  • Check if you have the latest version of the YouTube app
  • Tap on the camera button
  • Enable permissions for accessing Camera, Mic, and Storage
  • If you see an additional dialogue box for channel verification, click to verify your channel
  • Now tap on 'GO LIVE'

How to create your first Livestream video on Mobile

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  • After completing the enabling process given above, tap on 'GO LIVE'
  • Enter title for your video and tweak your settings
  • Add a description for your video
  • Select the options to enable or disable live comments on your video
  • Enable or disable age restriction according to the content of your video
  • Enter details if your video is a paid promotion
  • iOS users can also add a custom thumbnail for their video
  • Choose if you want to shoot in a landscape mode and then hold your device accordingly
  • To share your stream, tap on 'SHARE.'
  • Now click on 'GO LIVE.'
  • To end the video, tap on 'FINISH' and then 'OK.'

After the end of your video, you will see an archive of the video on your channel playlist. You can keep the archive or delete it.


Article information

Author: Heather Thomas

Last Updated: 1703636282

Views: 934

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Author information

Name: Heather Thomas

Birthday: 1974-06-21

Address: 88467 Briana Forges Apt. 822, North Jeffery, CT 47043

Phone: +4003203460477188

Job: Market Research Analyst

Hobby: Calligraphy, Painting, Cooking, Rowing, Puzzle Solving, Swimming, Astronomy

Introduction: My name is Heather Thomas, I am a bold, candid, unwavering, unreserved, proficient, daring, dazzling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.